“For a counter-mapping of resistance practices (art, ritual and politics)”

Screening & conversation with Camille Lévy-Sarfati

Event date: February 21st, 2025 at 6:30 PM

As a closing event to her research residency at Selebe Yoon, writer and curator Camille Lévy-Sarfati will present her ongoing research  "For a counter-mapping of resistance practices (art, ritual and politics)”. What do tirelessly repeated gestures, breaths, songs and prayers tell us? What do our rites carry - in movement, in struggle and in sharing, from one end of the continent to the other? At this meeting, Camille Lévy Sarfati will present her current research on the interaction between ritual practices, art and politics. A questioning of ritual (and its artistic translations) carried out in collaboration with a constellation of artists and thinkers from the Afro-Asian continents and their diasporic canvases.

Camille Lévy-Sarfati

Curatrice et autrice indépendante basée à Tunis, Camille Lévy Sarfati est l’ancienne directrice du centre d’art 32bis. Elle centre ses recherches sur la question du rite comme espace politique et sur les pratiques de résistance ou de survivance faisant interagir les champs de l’art contemporain, du spirituel et du politique. Elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux pratiques contemporaines d’Afrique du nord et d’Asie de l’ouest, autour desquelles elle a imaginé différentes expositions et programmes d’accompagnement. En parallèle, elle réalise un film documentaire sur l’expérience du retour, interrogeant les nationalismes et mémoires conflictuelles liées à l’histoire juive de la Tunisie.

She is the co-founder of the Nessij collective (‘canvas’ in Arabic), which aims to promote the Tunisian art scene internationally, encourage the mobility of artists and art workers, and strengthen solidarity between art scenes, particularly in the South.


#1 Districts et Mémoires : Niayes Thiokers, un lieu de savoir